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Urgent Notice/ Hubachiisa Hatattamaa!!

Urgent Notice

The General organization of the Oromo Liberation Army Special Forces command planned to conduct military operations around Bishoftuu, Finfinnee, and the surrounding towns. GO-OLA recommends that all community members, civilians, Governmental and Non-Governmental organizations, diplomatic entities, and all concerned stay home and avoid any vacation or planned journey activities. Oromo Liberation Army recommended leaving the specified areas as soon as possible to minimize civilian casualties.

January 04,2024, Oromia

Hubachiisa Hatattamaa!

Jaarmiyaa WBO waliigalaa ifattii/JWBOWItti Ajaja Humna Addaa/Jajjabee Operation(Tarkanfii) waan qabuuf jiraattotni Godina addaa Finfinnee,Bishooftuu fi Naannoo ishee jirtan mana jireenyaa keessa akka turtan,hojjetootni mit-mootummaa fi Mirgoota Namoomaa hatattamaan gadhiisaa bahaa.!

Amajjii 4, 2024 Oromiyaa.

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