Reasons for the Establishment of General Organization of the Oromo Liberation Army (GOOLA) akka as Jaarmiyaa Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo Waliigalaa (JWBOW) in Afaan Oromoo
GOOLA is new in a sense that it is inclusive - more Oromo-wide and solution oriented. It is an overarching body of Oromo Liberation Army (OLA).
1. To combat challenges related to civilian population in Oromia,
· We are aware of crimes committed in the name of the OLA in Oromia that need accountability,
· The issue of crimes in Oromia are multi-faceted, intertwined with demands for self-determination of the Oromo people,
· The sacrifices OLA made and the ongoing victories against the regime provoke extreme acts of violence against our people.
2. Because it is necessary to establish a political link between OLA and civic population, necessitated by:
• The “separation” of OLA from the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), there has been a vacuum of civil input that undermined the preexisting bond with our people.
• The transition from Eritrea to Oromia that disrupted clear administrative and overall strategic leadership to promptly plan, coordinate, and provide the necessary logistics to OLA.
• The hateful propaganda that ensued, and the cover-up for various parties to commit crimes against our people under the hate for the Oromo Liberation Front.
• Intensified crimes such as murder, looting, intimidation, and military violence committed under the guise of “security”.
• Political killings, killings of ethnic identity, and corruption in the seizure of common property, and the WBO is being presented to the public as a criminal.
• The need to establish an Oromo-wide organ that can assume the responsibility of ensuring that abuses in Oromia are recorded and saved.
• Expanding access to domestic and foreign NGOs, humanitarian organizations, and OLA leadership.
• Organizing various civilian OLA bodies and structures under one central command and leadership.
• The need to openly act, dismiss, or expose camouflages who pretend and act like OLA while launched by the enemy,
• The importance of taking responsibility for the areas liberated from the control of the so-called government, responsibility to uphold the rule law.
It was decided to organize a body that would act transparently and variably.
Our primary and immediate goal will be to expose crimes committed in the name of OLA.
We will address these soon, in a separate release.